My grandfather died a little more than a year ago. I can't believe it's been that long, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it feels like we've been without him forever.
Usually I'm not much one for public sentiment, at least not this kind of sentiment. On the one year anniversary of his death, my dad posted a series of pictures of him on facebook - a kind of eulogy. It was lovely. It made me cry. It also did something very few things ever make me feel like doing - it made me write a poem. It's in Afrikaans, I could never get the hang of expressing myself poetically in English well (at least, it doesn't feel that way).
I don't want to lose this poem. It may not be good, it surely has little literary merit, but it is a memory of how I felt, of who my grandfather was. So, for posterity, here it is:
Een dag kom ek agter:
Dit reën in my gemoed.
Dit vloei saggies, soos water
Stroompies oral in.
Dis nat in my herhinneringe.
My siel se fotoboek
Oorvloei van die water
Wat loop oor lank gelede.
Die strand verspoel,
Sloer weg die skulpies.
Voor ek kan keer is daar 'n vloed.
Alles is net bruin water
Oral waar ek probeer onthou
Is dit bedek met sediment.
Ek hoop dit bou 'n sandbank
Soos ek vaagweg onthou.
Waar daar trapplek is
Ten spyte van diep water
En hoë golwe.
Dat herhinneringe van my oupa
'n Mens, stil, dog onkeerbaar
Soos bruin Natal rivierwater,
Vir my 'n staanplek bou.
'n Mooi gedagte,
Maar tot dan toe kom ek agter:
Dit reën in my gemoed.
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