Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Last night we made 'lifesaver', a type of tuna noodle casserole that makes in twenty minutes, dirties only two dishes (and one is a noodle pot - hardly the most labour intensive to clean), and is super tasty to boot!

We dished up and sat down at the table. We were watching a movie on the computer screen about 2 meters away on the computer desk. After a brief period of reminding us that we never feed her and that she is starving, Talos gave up and seemed to settle down to snuffling around the house.

About two minutes into dinner, she hopped up on to the computer desk, looked at us, strolled over the keyboard, jumped off and disappeared into the background. This is not too unusual, and while she's not encouraged to do it, she's not forbidden from the top of the computer desk either. Justin sweetly got up to fix the movie that had stopped and closed due to the buttons Talos pressed as she walked along. I turned to focus on what he was doing.

We shifted our attention back to the table just in time to see the last cheesy noodle disappear into the smuggest pug you have ever laid eyes on.

I've seen Talos outsmart other dogs, distracting them to take their bones only to sneak in behind them and take it. I never realised that we might just as well be the other dog!